Sunday, September 28, 2008

Affirmations: Reprogramming my Head

What ED says:
What I say.

you're fat.  
I am a beautiful creature of God - a piece in his miraculous puzzle - I look exactly the way he wants me to look right now.  Who are you to criticize God's work? The shape and size of my body are none of my business.  If I provide God with the tools he needs (proper nourishment and regular exercise), he will mold my body to its best form in his time.  It is not up to me to control that.  My only job is to provide the materials, take care of my body, stay connected to God, and let go of the results.
you're lazy.
I am so determined to excell, that I am willing to tune into the needs of my body.  I am resting so that I can be maximally efficient, strong, energetic, and productive when I return to activity.
you're retarded.
Awww!  How cute!  A new flaw.   I'm so funny.  These cute little personality quirks are what make me uniquely me- a fun, interesting, lovable person.  We are loved for our weaknesses, not our strengths.  This only makes me more able to relate to more people! 
You have so much potential.  How did you mess it up so horribly?
I am exactly what I'm supposed to be in this time in this place.  All of my experiences teach me something that is an important part of my journey.  What makes me think I have the power to screw up God's plan?  I am here for a reason.  The sooner I accept it and move on, the more receptive I am to the lessons I must learn to reach that full potential that I was made for.
I am now, and have always been moving in the right direction.  By connecting with God's will, I am now enacting even more progress.
you blew it.
Wow.  God is leading me in a totally different direction than I ever would have expected.  Stay open and aware to perceive a new unexpected opportunity!
You don't care enough.
I am doing the best I can, and I care enough.  I am dealing with what is most important - taking care of myself - first, so that I can pursue my goals with maximum strength, energy, efficiency, and passion.
It's OK that something has drawn my attention away from many of the things I care about.  Having felt my feelings, I am stronger, more focused, and more energetic.
I take up too much space.
The love, energy, and inspiration that I contribute to the world with my presence is worth far more space than what I actually take up, and I deserve every inch that I occupy!
You suck.
I am exactly where I am supposed to be - on a never ending journey of exploration and enlightenment.  This is just a part of my trip on the way to something great.
You can't be trusted.
I am making the choice to put strong conscious effort into enhancing my integrity, which demonstrates that I do in fact value trustworthiness.
You are slow.
I am so amazingly good, skilled, and successful already.  Now I get to work on SPEED, and as I practice this, everything I do will get even better.
You need to figure this out.
Enjoy the mystery.  God has a plan.  Accept it as it is.  I am not in charge.  I don't have to know.
You're slacking off.
Some other area of my life has been occupying my attention, and I dealt with what was most important.  Now, I choose to redirect my focus to align it with nature, and move forward with gusto!  May miracles occur through me.
You're selfish.
Thank you for putting on your own oxygen mask first.  Now you are better able to help your neighbor.  so GO PAY IT FORWARD!  try taking a random act of kindness.
You don't need rest.
Right now I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm.  Once I exert it, I give my body time to recover.
I'm lazy.
Go hard or go home.  Both are admirable productive choices.  Sometimes, the most productive thing I can do for my body is REST!!!  Now might be a good time to practice some hard core relaxing.  are you up for the challenge?
That is soooo wrong!
Things are what they are.  Live in accepdance: Life on life's terms.  It's not my job to judge.
Someday, I'll be good.
I am exactly where I need to be right now: on a never ending journey of growth and progress.  How exciting!!!
I'm irresponsible.
Slow down!  Take a minute to connect with your Higher Power, and process.  Make a list if you need to.  What is urgent?  What is important?
I need to be super human
I am inspired to be an EXCEPTIONAL Human Being!
I have to fix this.
God's got it covered.  I do my part, tell my truth, and let go of the results.  They're not mine to control.
I can't think.
Slow down.  Get centered.  Hand it over to God for a few minutes.


Sandhya said...

reprogramming sounds awesome. You really show how destructive the ED thoughts can be and in light of what you say how inaccurate the ED thoughts are!

Unknown said...

Hi Jess, thanks so much for inviting me to read your blog. wow! you are so brave and inspirational! see you soon
love rachel