Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Freakin' Older Men...stop hitting on me!

When I finish the last of my broccoli, and want to eat salsa out of the jar with a fork, I know there's something on my mind.  But I already knew that.  I'm having serious issues with significantly older men who think they can rope me into dating them or doing...something...I dunno, but I don't know where they get this idea.  Maybe because I try to be friendly and open with everyone I meet, they mistake that for me being attracted to them.  Or maybe something about my wide eyes and willingness to learn makes them think I'm so nievette that they can pull the wool over my eyes and seduce me.  Do they think I'm retarded?  Sorry.  Not gonna work.  (wow.  I'm chugging my caffeine free tea.  this must be really getting to me!)  but seriously...I love learning, and in the past couple of months, I think I've had like 8 different men -all at least 15 years older than me - recognize my potential, offer to teach me their craft, and try to turn it into some kind of twisted relationship.  It sucks, because it's really hard for me to turn down the training, but when their intentions finally become evident, what else can I do?  I dunno.  It just sucks.