Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i don't really feel like writing, but it's on my checklist, and I've ignored it 2 days in a row.  I can't in good conscience neglect it again today.  That's part of what i'm working on now.  Being aware enough of the circumstances, my options, and the consequences of my action or inaction to take responsibility, and not get blind sided.  I guess what i want to do is not pay attention to how long i've been going without writing, so that I don't have to feel bad for not doing something i know i'm supposed to do.  its like i think that if i don't know i'm doing something wrong, I won't have to deal with any consequences.  but the consequences come either way.  I'm trying to acknowledge that before I make a choice, and really evaluate whether it's worth it or not.  In this case, are the extra few minutes of sleep i would get if I went to bed now, worth my feelings getting bottled up, my recovery getting stagnant, my program getting weak and careless, and potentially relapseing?  Wow.  not at all.  but I've been skipping writing all of the time, because I simply chose to be negligent.  That's such a pattern for me. I had no idea that's what i was going to write about tonight.  I'm always amazed by what comes out of me when i journal.  I feel so much more self aware when i do this.  No wonder i was feeling icky and slow...even regressive.  I'm really glad i took the extra few minutes to write.  
I  feel a lot better today than i have been for a while.  My inventory checklist is helping me stay on track.  i tried 2 new meetings this week, and i've been making and receiving more phone calls.  it's nice.  i feel loved.  I'm reading "the way of the peaceful warrior", and of course it's wonderful.  I just started doing cardio before breakfast, and that's been feeling good.  it was just a really full productive day, and since I felt so good about myself, I was delighted to find the body obsession dramatically lifted...and the food too.  I've been making much better choices today.  And I actually feel pretty good about my body.  There's such a visual difference from just yesterday (in my eyes).
the best thing i can pray for:
God-help me to trust that you have a plan for me, and that's i'm going to love it.  Help me to know instinctively what actions you would have me take, and grant me the desire to take those actions no matter how hard or impossible they may appear.  Help me to accept and enjoy everything for what it is, exactly how it is...I'm getting wordy.  basically: awareness and willingness.  When i'm most connected, All I really want is to know my higher power's will, and to have the willingness to follow it.  and i feel it now.  it feels good.


Anonymous said...

hi girl,
hope all is well..didnt c ya on tuesday and was wondering where u were
glad 2 c u working on ur recovery and moving 4ward
tuesday was excellent, BTW
me, i've been putting off memorizing my acting skit for saturday, so guess i'll work on that tmrw
maybe i'll give u a call 2 keep my commitment
things are gr8 with moving so FAST in my recovery and growth..its a really exciting time..
my closing prayer for the nite, as i've done a lot of "healing prayers" at church already tonight (and b4 church 2)
Dear God,
Please bless my sister.
I pray for every hearts desires of her..that u help them come true for her..
Guide her in her life decisions including professionally.
May she b able 2 rest in you, and not always have "2 do."
My shout to you, God, is please take me to the next level..pls give me the willingness 2 let go of anything in me that i am unconciously holding on2, 2 stunt my ready..take my life..i surrender all to you..
Love you God,
g'nite friend..hope ur having good mimis

Anonymous said...

hi sweet pea,
just wanted to let ya know im thinking boutcha and hoping ur feeling proud of you for all the wonderful work ur willing 2 do on urself..and im proud of me 2...were going 2 have gr8 lives b/c of it..
God Bless your sweet pea heart,
your older sista in recovery

Anonymous said...

just wanted to say "hi" sweetpea
hope your feeling better..if i didn't live so far away, id offer to come over and bring ya some chicken noodle soup or somethin!
hope 2 c ya manana exhausted..just wanted to say "hello"
recovery is exhausting..i just feel like i work on myself day and night..i need 2 go on a vacation..u, me, and our other soul sister from Big Bear should go on a road trip somewhere..lets go..let me know whatcha doesnt have 2 b right away??!!
her and i want 2 go 2 asia tgthr sometime as well...she's been all over asia by herself..lived there and all..and she speaks some different asian languages..super smart, anyways, that's it..i think one of my character defects that i need 2 add on my list is "not allowing myself 2 have fun..2 just go out and have fun"
he he
love ya..hope ur feeling better darling