Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Meaningful Life

I started grasping this concept of having a life this evening during my share.  It's something about connecting with people and being authentic and in the moment.  It was like sunday night when I had a few hours to kill and no where to be.  I had quantatative productive work that I could use to fill the time.  that's what I wanted to do, but a guy asked me to go have a beer with him.  I don't drink, but I took the opportunity to practice socializing.  He had a beer, and we hung out.  Normally that would sound like torture.  I still can't intellectually grasp how it enriches my life to spend time with people doing nothing productive, but it did.  we talked about a crazy vietnam war vet he used to have for a coach who's as psycho as mine.  He told me about downhill mountain racing, which apparently has the most devastating wipeouts EVER, and I explained adventure racing to him.  we decided to make a team, and hold auditions for our navigator.  We'll post an add on craigslist, and tape the audition which will probably have no applicants.  it was just silliness, and it was more memorable and fulfilling than doing the same training, studying, or paperwork that I always do to validate myself.  Other ways I've been connecting today:
-friendly debate about 12 step programs and higher powers
-singing lion king songs in car with Cri
-screaming in the driveway
-staring contest with Am
-singing I'm too Sexy with Cri
-opera singing
-gulping like frogs and practicing cockney accents with Jp
-Joking with pirates

So i think what's important about this is that all the past weeks of training - good and bad - they all run together.  No matter how much I accomplish, none of it fills the hole I'm trying to fill with exercise and food.  But this stuff does.  I need human connection, whether I understand why or not.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to write you and SAY I LOVE YOU...thank you so much for being the absolutely AMAZING woman that God created...as I've told you many times you are SUCH A DELIGHT..im so glad were friends
And i had the gr8est time tonight..and might i add when you offered the suggestion of checking out OTHER OPTIONS (in the midst of my crisis) u gave my pea brain the HOPE..just that GLIMMER OF HOPE..and guess what? i went over to one of my best friends hms when i got back to my area and what did we do? Go online and check out condo listings...and guess what else i found out? that ACTUALLY may b a REALITY..now what a miracle is that???? C GOD is so good 2 us my sweetpea friend..k, that's enuf from me folks..guess it's okay for me to watch ten minutes of tv and give myself permission to turn my brain off for a few minutes b4 i call it a night
peace out my sister..have GREAT MIMIS..can't wait for our saturday mornin mtng followed by the acting class in LA..YAY YAY YAY..all i can say is, next SAT for sure if i have 2 work again this saturday!!
oh, and one more thing.."I'm 2 sexy" was amazing..i need to get that on cd and then we can really BLAST it in my car

Anonymous said...

OH AND IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUR WONDERUL RECOVERY AND GROWTH...believe me when i say honey, you are so far ahead of the game..i've been around for ahwile..ur gonna have an incredible life..A LIFE BEYOND UR WILDEST DREAMS..g'nite sweetpea

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a fabulous day..so, guess what? i find out manana if i have 2 work on saturday or not..so, i'll let u know..but no matter what, my bday got rescheduled for this sat..so, hopefully u can come with my other two friends who are coming from LA..and if the acting/mtng doesn't work out for this saturday, NEXT 4 SURE..im so excited for our lil cute plans..or big plans..ha ha..k, its after 11 and i still haven't gotten my meds filled at the pharmacy..time 2 stop putting it off and go..so here i go..gonna call our other buddy on the way 2 make my commitment..love ya