Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm a little tired.  I'm having writing withdrawls too!  Just so much has been going on that I haven't had time to organize my thoughts.  I was in the mountains all weekend, and have been rushing all over the place today-training, meetings, errands, groceries, and organizing an application packet for a really prestigous group that I'm pretty invested in.  It was stressful, and I feel like I need a few days to get recentered.  I have a bunch of mail to go through, some bills to pay, and some receipts to file...some RSVPs, and a lot of scheduling.  I just feel so off kilter when I don't have it all laid out in front of me in a pretty hour-by-hour schedule.  Some important appointment could pop up right in front of me, and I'd be completely unprepared.  or I'd miss it completely.  I don't have anything planned for this evening, so hopefully, i'll get some of that taken care of.  I also journaled a lot this weekend about relationships.  The one I'm in...well...we haven't discussed it-what it is or how serious-titles...I was going to ask him his philosophy on dating so that I knew where I stood, but our phones weren't working.  then i realized that I couldn't just depend on him to define the relationship.  I had to figure out what I thought of it, what I wanted, how I felt about him and relationships...I didn't want to know any of it, but I made myself think about it.  I searched within, and found answers...and more questions.  I still haven't had a chance to talk to him about it, so I think that's weighing on me a little, and the desire to control the outcome of my business application that I submitted this morning.  My head's aching.  I am tired.  oh well!  off to class!  later!

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