Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I have that bubbling full, boiling over with happiness feeling right now -  that feeling you can only get from true human connection.  I love my roommates, and I love my friends.  I love when you risk something...put yourself out there, and get back nothing but love.  When you put an arm around a friend, and get a hug back.  When you ask for help getting to a meeting, and get a ride.  When you put your feelings out there, and get love and warmth right back.  Today had its ups and downs, but I feel so alive and fulfilled right now.  Everything passes in its time, but right now, I can enjoy this moment, and really, that's the only thing that matters.
I'm also grateful for:
my new phone
my new phone service
my free dinner
kung fu
hot sunny days
my sheets
my bed
star wars
acting class
my computer
opposable thumbs
my mom
sleep overs
cottage cheese
my sponsor...I need to call her!
my blog
my check list
and the miracle that for 4 weeks, i have stayed off of my right leg!!! and that I'm willing to take even longer if that's what my body needs.  seriously!  I care that much about my health!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi friend,
hope you don't get 2 of the same messages..trying 2 fig out how 2 post on here..I AM SO PROUD OF U 4 STAYING OFF OF YOUR LEGS for a month (hope i got that right now)
ur so rad and glad were on the journey together,