Monday, September 22, 2008

I got exactly what I asked for!

So the theme of the week was telling my truth, then letting go.  It was hard, but I had help.  I played a game of questions with my...boyfriend?... right...well we'll call him that.  But I asked the questions I was afraid to ask, and allowed my true emotional reactions to show.  I fumbled clumsily through my answers to his questions until I had answered them honestly and thoroughly, and he waited patiently for me to get everything out.  If I thought i didn't know, I knew that I was supressing it, and I would dig for it, find it, blush, get scared, think about how to say it perfectly, call myself out for being in my head, and just speak my thoughts out loud.  I gradually got more coherent.  It was the best night we had together.  I wanted to know why he liked me.  Am I more than just a body to him?  I got my answer, and I liked it.  I learned a lot about him, and feel much more connected and free.  He asked what I would change about him, which was terrifying.  I immediately blocked it, and it took me almost a half hour to dig it back out, but when I said it, it sounded easy.  He was pleasantly surprised, and made the change instantaneously.  It was really cool.  When I faced my fears and asked for what I wanted, I got it.  It feels really good, and I like him soooooooo much more now!  It's so cool.


Sandhya said...

wow! That's so awesome Jessie!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!! I know how hard those talks can be. It's really cool when we take a chance, and then get exactly what we want. But no matter what the other person's reaction, whatever happens will make the people who belong in our life come closer, and those that don't will leave. Either way we win. But of course it always feels great when we get closer to someone we like.


Sandhya said...

ps. i put the blog up... it should link through my comments now