Thursday, September 18, 2008

Good Day!

I am so excited about my new friend!  It was amazing when I first connected with people in OA, and found a whole support group of people who thought just like me.  It was a relief and a comfort to be with people who shared so much in common with me, but there was always a missing piece.  I have a kinda unusual job that is tightly woven with my body and image, and I hadn't really found anyone in program who could relate to that.  Today, I found one!  She's close to my age, in a similar line of work, she began her recovery about 2 months after me, and we're practically neighbors!  I'm just so grateful!  especially since it's been hard finding people in program close to my age who live anywhere near me.  This is just everything I'd been praying for!  I guess that's how it works isn't it?  God is so cool.  
What else...
I took hour and a half detour on a really cool twisty turney back road through the mountains today.  I was running late, and took this road as a short cut, drove almost 40 miles, and found out that the road was closed, and the only way to get where I was going was to go all of the way back the way I came, and return to my usual route.  Instead of being 15 minutes late, I would now be at least 1 hour and 45 minutes late.  Did I stress about it?  well...yes.  but only for like 2-5 minutes!  I called my friend to let him know, and then enjoyed the ride.  I couldn't have done that before recovery.  I also had time to think about my upcoming appointment.  It was a photoshoot...the first one I've done since I started my abstinence.  I knew I needed the pictures, and that I was in relatively good shape, but I really felt like I needed to stop eating for at least a day prior to the shots or at the very least take a massive overdose of fiber to help empty out my stomach.  You can't take pictures with anything in your stomach, right?  My thinking was so disordered on this topic.  I totally would have done it if it wasn't clearly defined in my abstinence.  I was stressing out about getting these pictures without engaging in any of that sort of behavior.  I wanted to put them off til I was skinnier or something, but I needed them now!  On my long detour, while I was working on accepting things as they are, I realized that the stuff we were going to be doing in the photo shoot was going to be really fun...REALLY fun!  I was so worried about my stomach, that I forgot how cool it was going to be.  I decided to let go.  There was nothing I could do about my stomach.  It was probably fine anyway.  I could just focus on enjoying the day.  And I did.  I was pretty present.  Pretty exciting that I could do that.

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