Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I love my new sponsor.  She gives me lots of homework.  It's adding up fast.  She keeps giving me more and more, and i'm always on the verge of being overwhelmed.  But that's where I do my best work, and feel the best about myself.  I don't have time to write tonight, but i'm doing it.  i don't have time to read for 10 minutes before bed, but I've been doing it for a week now.  I can't possibly write a list of all the activities I think i need to do, and prioratize them, but I did it, and I'm going to put them all on a color coded master schedule, and schedule my weeks in the best of my ability.  My 4th step is finally moving forward, and is almost done.  thank goodness.  I had a really hard day yesterday, but it passed, and only good things have come of it.  I had a really fun easy day today, and was really present, even though I had some really hard things going on.  So much is on my mind, and i'm not talking or writing enough to thoroughly process it, but I feel good about most of it.  I made a new friend today.  She does "guerilla planting?", and camping, and she's gonna come play on the rings with me.  I'm really excited, and I loved my meeting tonight.  The speaker talked about how putting her compulsive energy into her job for years made her really successful, and we have a similar vague abstinence, because we were both so obsessed with numbers, and black and white, and perfection in our diseases.  I ...crap...i related to practically everything she said, and I always forget what it was afterwards.  ugh.  oh-and now that i've been so buried in program, and having a tighter schedule, my obsession with food seems to be lifting again.  wasn't worried at all about it today, and yesterday was pretty nice too.  ok time to read.


Anonymous said...

u r adorable..i feel excitement for you have some "newness" in ur life..2 me thats what recovery is all about..the faster and faster we grow, the MORE AND MORE AND MORE things KEEP EVERYTHING..its crazy..but always for the BETTER..always
thank you God for my sweet pea friend..God, I pray you may grant her every hearts desires..b they new or old..may you answer every need she has as well..bless her, heal her may your wildest dreams for her come true

so i went 2 the movies with my little little sweet pea yesterday in LA..havent seen her in a few months..i spoil her seriously..(shes 8 yrs old) were always like 2 lil peas in a pod when were together..we sing, dance, run and hold hands tgthr, do piggy back rides..its so fun

i still have two XM radio stations saved for her in my car (disney and kids place) when she got in my car yesterday i said 2 her "oh honey, i missed u so much" and she said with so much certainty how much she had missed me 2..i feel like shes my niece or something

i get so protective of her in public..i told her i wanted her 2 come in2 the bathroom with me when we were at the movies..she was holding her food and said "u cant bring food in there" so i told her 2 SCREAM my name if any1 said anything 2 her and that i would b in the stall closest 2 the doorway..ha ha

she met Miley Cyrus..lets just say i so dont get lil kids obsession with her..but my lil lil sweet pea said she met her and i seriously got excited FOR HER..oh the life of little kids..just think, u and i may b mothers of em some day..he he..anyways, i wanted her 2 pick out a bday present from me since i couldnt go out 2 LA a few weeks ago..she got the coolest pink glittery shoes (platform like) Hannah Montanah shoes

anyways, shes such a good kid..i told her "no were not gonna c the Zac Effron movie" (since its PG13 and couldnt b good 4 kids he he) and she was like "okay" even though u knew she was disappointed..she didnt even say anything or try 2 show it

i cant wait 4 her to come to OC and hang out with me out here

i've missed gonna miss again this saturday..tell tchr i miss u guys and i'll c u all a week from this saturday..we should go for a hike out in LA after if ur feeling up 2 it

hope all is well..thanks for letting me share my kid story

now im going swimming and gonna pound the water and ignore all the weird older men who try 2 talk 2 me..geez

love u sweet me soon or i'll call so happy for all ur newness and growth..keep up the good work

Cakes said...

Awww yay!!! That's soo great :) Love you doll. Hope to see you Wednesday or Thurs