Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Compulsive thoughts: The Red Herring

I didn't want to eat my 2nd meal today.  I knew I had to do it according to my food plan, and I didn't fight it, but I knew that one bite would be too much, and the whole fridge would never be enough.  I could just feel it.  I would have liked to just not eat to avoid the drama, but these are the situations we have food plans for.  When our heads are crazy, and we can't make that connection to our higher powers, we rely on the food plan to tell us what to do.  and it did.  I had my measured serving, and wanted more, but I stopped...cuz that's what the plan says to do.  I kinda wanted to purge.  Obviously not an option.  I could read an OA book on the treadmill...no.  I'm exhausted, and that sounds kinda compulsive.  Laxatives sounded really promising.  So did diet pills...but no...the cleansing herbal tea felt like it would be a really good solution.  Those all violate my abstinence though.  On my way to my computer, I kept catching glimpses of my reflection in the mirror.  I was intensely aware of rolls in my stomach, and was strongly compelled to look and see if they were there...to pick out all my good qualities, and weigh them against the bad.  See how I measured up.  What can be fixed.  It occurred to me that stepping on the scale would fix everything.  How silly!  It would be so easy to get caught up in all of this if I wasn't just reading about it last night and this morning.  About how the obsession with food and weight is just a smoke screen that we can latch onto to avoid facing the more difficult.  No matter how much it sucks to be preoccupied with weight, it always has a simple solution: lose weight.  The stuff I'm struggling with now...there's nothing to do about it.  I just have to accept it and how I feel about it.  There is no action to take, except maybe to write about it.  I'm gonna go do that with my sponsor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I know EXACTLY how you feel. That is so true....one bite feels like "too much", and the whole fridge won't be enough.

I am going through a stage right now where I'm finding it difficult to eat. It doesn't FEEL difficult, but my behavior (lack of stopping to eat), is indeed telling me that I am resisting eating. I have so much emotion and so much stress right now as I'm coming to terms with my recent financial/emotional wreckage, that I feel nauseated in my chest....i have all of this tightness, and it makes me not want to eat, even though if I pay attention, my actual stomach is fine.

I highly recommend NOT getting on the scale!! I did the exact thing you are talking about..looking at myself naked in my full length mirror, seeing where I look too "round"...I did that for maybe 20 seconds, then I stopped, gave myself a hug and told me that it is okay to have a feminine looking body, and that there is nothing wrong with the way I look....after all, I am a woman, and we not meant to look linear and angular. I did compulsively weigh, and the scale is up 2 pounds from a week ago....it simply never, ever serves me to weigh unless it is at my designated time each week.

Thanks for "listening" to me. Your blog has really been wonderful to read...i ALWAYS relate, and your clarity is beautiful.
